Mrs. Causey and Mrs. Hutcherson
- “A Servant’s Heart”
- Application of Biblical Principles
- Bible knowledge
- Bible study skills
- Nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns
- Sentences and punctuation
- Writing poems
- Study and reference skills
- Listening and speaking skills
- Word recognition
- Phonics
- Comprehension skills
- Silent and oral reading
Spelling and Handwriting
- Pre-cursive alphabet review
- Cursive writing
- Word families, suffixes
- Journal writing
- Dictionary skills
- History
- Geography
- Citizenship
- Economics
- Culture
- Study of bones and plants
- Shape and movement of the earth
- Natural forces
- Shorelines
Health, Safety, and Manners
- Posture, nutrition, exercise, rest
- Cleanliness, diseases
- Politeness, kindness, respect
- Patience, thoughtfulness, thankfulness
- Table and telephone manners
- Recognition, counting, writing beyond 1.000
- Ordinal numbers
- Addition and subtraction facts through 18
- Carrying and borrowing
- Multiplication facts 0-5
- Division facts 1-5
- Story Problems
- Multiple combinations
- Estimation and rounding
- Counting and combining coins and bills, making change
- Telling time to nearest minute
- Place value to thousands
- Unit fractions
- Pictographs, bar and line graphs
- Roman numerals