Sunday School will remain online for now. Dave White’s class is using the Webex platform, while Marty Brooks is utilizing Zoom. We will continue putting emails out on Sunday mornings with connecting info for those classes. Please note those classes will begin at 8:30 am and end at 9:30 am so as to allow everyone who desires plenty of time to make it to the church for the 10:15 worship service.
No childcare or children’s activities will be provided. This includes nursery care, children’s church, etc. If you have small children, please know they are welcome and we encourage you to keep them with you as a family in the sanctuary.
Wednesday evening activities will remain online for now. We will continue our weekly prayer meetings and youth group via Zoom, and encourage you to tune in on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.
Please practice all the actions we learned over the past several weeks.
- Wash your hands.
- Maintain 6 feet of social distance.
- Don’t touch your face.
- Cough into your elbow.
- If you’re sick or feeling sick, self-isolate at home.
- If you’ve traveled outside the Black Hills recently, please join us via livestream for 2 weeks before returning to church.
If you have underlying health conditions or for whatever reason are more vulnerable to the virus, we advise you stay home. We will continue to livestream our services on YouTube and Facebook, and will continue to send emails on Sunday mornings with he connection info and listening guides.