Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. O’Halloran
Bible Truths
- “A Father’s Care”
- Bible knowledge
- Application of Biblical principles
Phonics and English
- Phonics patterns
- Word families
- Listening skills
- Using punctuation correctly
- Comparatives and superlatives
- Reading and Listening Skills
- Phonics review
- Silent and oral reading
- Comprehensive skills
Spelling and Handwriting
- Pre-cursive alphabet
- Word families, suffixes
- Word Meaning
- Structure analysis
- History
- Geography
- Citizenship
- Economics
- Culture
- Introduction to senses and sound
- Discovering animals
- Heavenly bodies presenting God as the Creator of all things
Health, Safety, Manners
- Eating good foods
- Exercising and rest
- Care of body, clothes, home
- Posture
- Safety at home and away
- Safety on streets, playgrounds, and water
- Manners at home, school, and church
- Number recognition, counting, writing 1-1,000
- Greatest and least
- Number sequences
- Addition facts through 13, three-digit addition with carrying
- Subtraction facts through 13 and two-digit subtraction
- Counting and combining coins
- Telling time to nearest five minutes
- Recognizing odd and even numbers
- Unit fractions
- Using a ruler and a thermometer
- English and some metric measures
- Numbers before and after by ones, twos, and tens
- Roman numerals
- Reading pictographs and bar graphs
- Concept of multiplication
- Place value in ones, tens, hundreds
- Story Problems
- Between numbers